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Annual General Meeting Please mark your calendar and join us at the Copeland Forest Friends Association (CFFA) Annual General Meeting. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Association, and we want to celebrate with you!Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025Location: The Heights of Horseshoe Ski and Country Club, 1106 Horseshoe Valley Rd. W.Time: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Doors open at 9 a.m. in time to visit information tables). Light refreshments will be provided.Keynote speaker: Bob BowlesThe Meeting agenda and link to related material will be sent out to members by the end of March.Bob Bowles is Founder and coordinator of the Ontario Master Naturalist Certificate program at Lakehead University in Orillia. He is a multi award winning writer, artist, photographer and naturalist and his passion for the Copeland Forest and its incredible biodiversity may be unmatched. Bob is Chair of the CFFA Ecology Committee, under the leadership of CFFA Board member and Naturalist Director Kim Kosari.Please note. There are several positions available, new Directors are elected to the Board at the AGM making it the ideal time for members interested in serving with the CFFA Board to let us know by sending an expression of interest to Len Cater, President at you for supporting our mandate by renewing your membership and for your generous donations. For those who’ve been meaning to renew, you still can, right here. ... See MoreSee Less
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It’s a Snowy Winter: Just how do the lots get plowed?The answer is that the cost of plowing is covered by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Copeland Forest Friends and generous donations by members. We are very grateful for the Ministry’s support. Last winter, the contribution of the MNR was enough to cover all the plowing passes by our contractor. This year, as all local residents are aware, the record breaking snow falls will consume all the Ministry allocated funding and the CFFA will have to cover the balance. It’s still mid season and there may be many more passes before the snow ends with Spring, resulting in a significant expenditure for the CFFA.On a typical winter weekend, there is a continuous stream of vehicles coming and going from the plowed lots. Without the contributions of the members of the CFFA and the Ministry these lots would not be available for winter users. While the MNR has contributed for two winter seasons, there is no guarantee that their funding will be available in future years. In summary, the member's support of the CFFA is critical in providing this important community service. Please encourage your friends who visit the Forest to join the CFFA if they are not already a member.Sincerely, The Copeland Forest Friends ... See MoreSee Less
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ATTENTION Copeland Forest Friends Association - Guided Snowshoe Hike has been rescheduled due to weather concerns. The new date is one week later: February 22, 202510:00 amTo register and to obtain event location please contact:markzielinski2@gmail.comPlease note registration will be limited to 12 CFFA members. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Copeland Forest Friends
Copeland Forest Friends's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less
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Download the Trails Map

Download our map of all the major trails in the Copeland Forest

Copeland Forest Friends


The Copeland Forest is a 4,400 acre Resource Management Area in Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada, owned by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests. The size, beauty, and unfettered use of the forest by a wide variety of recreational users inspired an initiative to conserve the natural integrity of the forest and facilitate compatible recreational use.

In October 2015 the Copeland Forest Friends Association formed a Non-Profit Corporation, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the MNRF, and began offering memberships. The organization has been structured to ensure that all of the major recreational user groups are represented equally. There are many ways to join us including becoming a member, volunteering, making a donation, and signing up for our newsletter. We look forward to seeing you in the forest!